the mind of the Bridgekeeper shall meet with its
- The Book
of the Bridge

Days A Sacrifice is the fourth and final
instalment of the John DeFoe series, which thus
far has encompassed 5 Days A Stranger, 7 Days A Skeptic and Trilby's Notes. Since this game is
intended to tie up the loose ends left behind by
the three previous episodes, it is highly
recommended that you play through all of them
b a c k g r o u n d
The DeFoe Manor Incident takes place. Trilby, the
master thief, successfully destroys the body of
vengeful wraith John DeFoe and escapes his
clutches. (5 Days A Stranger)
After being caught in a reality shift at the
Clanbronwyn Hotel, Trilby learns the nature of
the Ethereal Realm and the Scientific Realm, of
the demonic deity Chzo, and the plan to create a
bridge between the realms by destroying the three
aspects of John DeFoe. He has the Soul blasted
into space to prevent that from happening, but
this only serves as a delaying tactic. Meanwhile,
Chzo's acolyte, Cabadath, aka the Tall Man,
crosses over to the Scientific Realm to
orchestrate the building of the Bridge. (Trilby's
The Soul is recovered by the scoutship
Mephistopheles, floating unprotected in space.
After John DeFoe's influence kills off the entire
crew save one, Dr. Jonathan Somerset, the Soul is
finally destroyed in the ship's engines. It is
then discovered that Somerset is an impostor, and
he is arrested. (7 Days A Skeptic)
JULY 22nd, 2189
Theo DaCabe, a surveying officer for
Buckinghamshire County Council, is assigned to
run a routine health and safety assessment on the
headquarters of a fad religion called Optimology.
Little does he realise that he is about to be
caught up in the machinations of destiny, and a
plot that has simmered for two centuries.

p e c i a l - e d i t i o n
Special Edition of 6 Days A Sacrifice is now
available for a small donation of 5
dollars American. Everything that's in
the free version, plus:
Author commentary
- Soundtrack with composer
- Expanded ending sequence
- STP / Ministry of Occultism
classified files
over to the donation page for details on how to
send me all your money. Actually just
download it for free now.
d o w n l o a d
Click here to
download 6 Days A Sacrifice for Windows (approx 2Mb,
play manual included) (thanks RoushiMSX for
Mirror - thanks Dennis
c o u n t d o w n
the runup to the release of 6DAS, I wrote and
realised a trilogy of brief text adventures to
foreshadow the plot of the eventual game. You can
still download them from here. They require a
Zmachine interpreter like Winfrotz to play.
Download countdown 1: the
Download countdown 2: the
Download countdown 3: the

c o n t a c t
me via this page if you have any issues
with the game.