So, my girlfriend gives
me the idea to do a faux Hostess Pie advert using
Rorschach, the coolest character in the comic
'Watchmen'. So here it is. Before we get to it,
however, some things I think should be clarified.
you don't know what the Hostess Pie ads are, or
why they're such an easy target for mockery, then
you can't have read Seanbaby's excellent page on the subject.
Shame on you! You call yourself a reader of
internet humour? Begone from this place and don't
come back until you've checked it out.
you don't know what Watchmen is, that's a little
more understandable if you're not into comics,
but if you are into comics, shame on you again!
It's by Alan Moore, and is one of the most
important comic series of all time. Part
superhero parody, part social commentary, all
rip-roaring yarn. Here's some related links.
Buy Watchmen from
The Watchmen Annotations
Watching the Detectives
The Alan Moore Fan Site
anyway, with all that in mind here's the comic.
Which I made. I MADE IT.

all you smartarses who noticed that the image URL
has a 2 on the end, feel free to see what rorschach1.gif was. It's the
uncoloured, untexted original I uploaded to show
to someone. Maybe you could print it out and
colour it with crayons, if you're into that sort
of thing)
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